Hardcover, 312 pages. ISBN 978-0-9729263-9-3
MARLO The Final Cut is the broadest and most ambitious compilation of Ed Marlo's work ever published. Spanning more than thirty different published sources released from 1941-1974, it covers hundreds of tricks, moves, routines, subtleties, musings, and thought problems. Not only does this volume compile thirteen distinct books, but it also reprints his contributions from a myriad of other publications - magazines to books to newsletters.
In this book, you'll discover material of all kinds-from close-up to stage, from semi-automatic to knuckle-busting, from complex routines to simple tricks. Learn modernist masterpieces like Devilish Miracle, practical worker's material like Cardician Makes Good, ornate dances like New Elevator, and elemental concepts like the KM Move.
Compiled and edited by N. C. Colwell with more than 300 endnotes and notations providing historical, literary, and clarifying context and foreword and remembrance by two of Ed Marlo's most prominent students - Jon Racherbaumer and Allan Ackerman.
Introduction by N. C. Colwell
Remembering Eddie by Allan Ackerman
Foreword by Jon Racherbaumer
PART ONE: BOOKSChapter 1 - Card Fan Productions (1941)
The Instruction
- Producing Multiple Fans of Cards
- Sample Routine
A Bad TechniqueTypes of Cards-OneTypes of HandsTypes of Cards-TwoThe Hat Steal by Mort AbramsPainted Card by Hank NowocThe Card ClipA Net for Catching the CardsTwo Types of FansGloved ProductionsHand CareChapter 2 - Deck Deception (1942)ForewordDouble Vanish and Recovery
- Casanova Card Trick by Martin Gardner and Ed Marlo
- Marlo's Double Vanish and Recovery
Torn Deck MysteryA Good NumberNumber TranspoMarlo's Running CutMarlo's Lessinout System of Cull and Stock Shuffles
- Lessinout Cull
- Lessinout Stack
The SpyDivining HankyMarlo's Card to Card CaseThe Magical GamblerAnd in Conclusion...Chapter 3 - Future Reverse (1945)First MethodSecond Method
- Center Reverse/Future Reverse
Method ThreeMethod FourMethod FiveMethod SixThe Bonus EffectChapter 4 - Havana Deal (1948)First MethodSecond MethodThird MethodChapter 5 - A Devilish Miracle by Ed Marlo and Carmen D'Amico (1948)First MethodSecond MethodChapter 6 - Ed Marlo's Lecture Notes (1951)Sudden AcesCutting the Aces RoutineAce OpenerCardician Makes GoodFollow the LeaderMr. Black Comes BackChapter 7 - The Future Classic by Ed Marlo and Carmen D'Amico (1953)A Future Classic
- Card Addition by Fred Braue
- Turnover Change
- Hit Method
- Left Hand Palm/Dealing Position Palm/Future Classic Palm
- Summary
Streamlined ClassicComedy ClassicFinal Observations
- Alternate Set-Up
- Alternate Count One
- Alternate Count Two
- Glide Double Handling
Chapter 8 - The Magic Seven (1954)Magical Seven
- Phase One
- Phase Two
The Glide
- Phase Three
- Phase Four
- Phase Five
- Summary
Opening Phase
The Climax Phase
Chapter 9 - Classical Foursome by Ed Marlo and Carmen D'Amico (1956)ForewordA Classical Quickie
- First Method
- Second Method
- Third Method
- Fourth Method
- Fifth Method
- Sixth Method
- Seventh Method
The Open Reverse
- Eighth Method
- Ninth Method
- Tenth Method
The D'Amico SpreadDoubly AmbitiousChameleon QueensMarlo-Curry ChangeDouble Transpositions
- The Repeat
- Straight Presentation
CombinationMarlo Pivot Spread
- Basic Principle
- First
- Second
- Third
- Fourth
- Fifth
- Sixth
- Note on Sixth Method
- Triple Pivot Spread
Chapter 10 - Marlo Meets His Match (1959)ForewordMatcho
Matcho Notes
- Variation of the Method II
- Possible Stage Presentation
- Matcho II-Single Deck Version
Marlo-Curry Change VariationDouble Thought-Single Deck
- Stooge Version
- The Exchange Version
- The Key Card Version-First Version
- The Key Card Version-Second Version
- Memory Version
Red and Blue-Spectator CoincidenceDouble CoincidenceMore Matchos
Double Thought and Two BilletsGaffed Matcho
- First Method
- Second Method
Marked MatchoUnmarked MatchoMemory MatchoThe Fake ChangeChapter 11 - The K. M. Move by Ed Marlo with Tony Kardyro (1962)IntroductionThe K. M. Move-Forward Fingering ActionTwo Closing ActionsReverse Fingering ActionReversal EffectCard Face-Up, Deck Face-DownRighting a Reversed CardMultiple Cards, Forward Fingering ActionForeshadowing Later IdeasMultiple Cards, Reverse Fingering ActionMultiple Out/Multiple Turnover CleanupOff the Face ChangesAmbitious RoutineFurther Applications of the Reverse Fingering Action with K. M. Move
- All Alike Count
- The Transposition
Use of the K. M. Move in Devilish MiracleK.M. Move Follow Up AcesAnother Exchange ProcedureThe Four Ace and Four King TranspositionK.M. Move with the PeekK.M. Move as a Passer
- First Idea
- Second Idea
- Packet Handling
Second Handling of K. M. Move
The K. M. Move ForceAce ProducerThe K. M. Move Brush ChangeAppearing and Disappearing SelectionsTechnical Variations of the K. M. Move
- First Variation
- Second Variation
- The Fan Method
Conclusions and RecollectionsChapter 12 - Tilt! (1962)ForewordMore Bluff Shifts
- For One Card (Added Ideas)
- Bluff Shift to the Top or at Any Number from the Top
- Bluff Shift to the Bottom or Any Number from the Bottom
- Bluff Shift and Palm Off
- Flexible Bluff Shift
- D'Amico's Idea by Carmen D'Amico
- Front End Tilt
Mental Elimination
Effects with Figure Three
- First Effect-Rising Thought
- Second Effect-Quick Acembly
- Third Effect-4 and 4 Transposition
- Fourth Effect-Trapped
- Fifth Effect-The Pincers
Tilt Subtlety by Charles Aste, Jr.
- Sixth Effect-Gathering of the Clan
- Seventh Effect-Surprise
- Ambitious Card Sequence
Add to Effects with Figure Three
- Eighth Effect-Another Classical Quickie
- Ninth Effect-Aces to Pocket
- Tenth Effect-The Prediction (Open or Closed)
- Eleventh Effect-Do as I Do
More Effects with Figure Three
- Twelfth Effect-The Tilted Transposition
- Thirteenth Effect-The Criss Cross Transposition
- Fourteenth Effect-The Tilt Stab
- Fifteenth Effect-The Tilt Sandwich
Alternative Handlings for The Tilt Sandwich
New Effects
- Sixteenth Effect-Tilt Doubly Ambitious
- Seventeenth Effect-Tilted Aces
- Eighteenth Effect-Tilt Addition
- Nineteenth Effect-Numbered Tilt
- Twentieth Effect-Tilted Dunbury
- Twenty-First Effect-Tilted Classical Quickie
- Twenty-Second Effect-Visible Tilt
- Roger Klause Fake Center Deal by Roger Klause
- Neal Elias Tilt Contribution by Neal Elias
Chapter 13 - Marlo's Objectives (1973)First ObjectiveSecond ObjectiveThird Objective-Re-positioning SpreadFourth Objective-Four Card LocationFifth Objective-In- and Out-Jogging CullSixth ObjectiveSeventh ObjectiveLoose EndsAlternated Red & Black ShufflesFor Faro Shuffler OnlyPART TWO: EXCERPTSChapter 14 - STEELE & LEECH52 Amazing Card Tricks by W. F. (Rufus) Steele (1949)Double ThoughtFor Card Men Only by Al Leech (1949)Aces Up by Ed Marlo and Al LeechManipulating with Leech by Al Leech (1952)Ace-King a la MarloChapter 15 - IRELAND'S YEARBOOKThe Ireland Yearbook for 1950 (1950)Card Telepathy de Luxe by James Auer with Ed MarloIreland's Yearbook for 1954 (1954)The Royal Assembly by Del Ray and Ed MarloIreland's Yearbook for 1955 (1955)Bluff Ace AssemblyIreland's Yearbook 1959 (1959)Tabled Bottom Placement
Ireland's Yearbook for 1961 (1962)The Master Position
- The Master Position
- Control to the Bottom--Five Methods
Transferring the CardsThe Pivot Palm
Pivot Palm Replacements--Three MethodsReversing the Cards--Three MethodsThe Spread PassTo Place the Card During the Spread PassMultiple Spread PassNine NotesIreland's Yearbook for 1962 (1962)Technicolor PredictionImpromptu Technicolor Prediction--Four MethodsAlternative Presentation for Technicolor Prediction--Six VersionsChapter 16 - THE NEW PHOENIXThe New Phoenix #329 - The Ed Marlo Issue (August 20, 1955)Interview with Ed Marlo by Jay Marshall with Ed MarloCard Miracles from 1949
- Throw In Location
- Card Stab-Two Methods
- Automatic Placement
Six Applications
The New Phoenix #334 (December 12, 1955)Challenge to You from Edward Marlo by Jay MarshallThe New Phoenix #338 -Ed Marlo Tells All! (1956)Real Gone AcesAdditional Notes on Real Gone Aces
Note on the Handling of Initial Count Off of Nine CardsFor Use in Real Gone Aces (Ace Layout)The Separating Aces--Three MethodsNotes on the MislideThe New Elevator--Four MethodsVanishing Aces TheoryAces & DeucesThe New Phoenix #339 (1956)Case Card AgainThe New Phoenix #346 (July 20, 1957)Six Card Repeat ClimaxThe New Phoenix #374 (November 1962)Marlo's False Cut on TableMarlo's Lengthwise SpreadThe New Phoenix #375 (December 1962)The Open Travelers
- Add a Subtlety (for Open Travelers)
Chapter 17 - IRELAND'S CARD ANNUAL1956 Card Annual (1956)The Switchless Switch
- First Effect
- Second Effect
- Third Effect
- Additional Technique for the Switchless Switch
1957 Card Annual (1958)Marlo's Hofzinser
- For the Purists
- Additional Climax to Marlo's Hofzinser
The Buckle BreakMarlo Bottom CountChapter 18 - IRELAND'S TRICK TALKIreland's Trick Talk Vol. 1 No. 1 (May-June 1957)Marlo's Card Quiz: Spur of the MomentIreland's Trick Talk Vol. 1 No. 2 (July-August 1957)Marlo's Card Quiz: Out of Your HandsChapter 19 - KID STUFFKid Stuff 5 (1974)Entertaining Kids with CardsAfterword by N. C. ColwellAppendixIndex